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Albendazole 100 tabsicon  
Brand : Aqua Care
Model : 200mg
Price :  42.99 USD      
Code : FAT-AB-0002
Overview :
Brand : Aqua Care
Model : 200 mg
Quantity : 100 tabs

Albendazole is an anti-parasitic agent used to treat infections by tapeworms and hookworms that can infest their hosts, causing damages in the digestive as well as the nervous systems. It kills worms and parasites and it is effective for keeping fish healthy, as worms are easily transferred from other animals or by contaminated food.
All detail :

Description :  Albendazole is an anti-parasitic agent used to treat infections by tapeworms and hookworms that can infest their hosts, causing damages in the digestive as well as the nervous systems.It kills worms and parasites and it is effective for keeping fish healthy, as worms are easily transferred from other animals or by contaminated food.


Add one tablet (200 mg) into aquarium for each 20 gallons of water to be treated. Repeat in 24 hours. It is suggested that a partial water change be made between treatments.While treatment duration depends on type and severity of the infection it is recommended that extended medication baths continue for a minimum of 5 days and  not more than 10 days. Discontinue treatment with this medication if no improvement is noted within 5 days. 

Caution :

Keep out of reach of children. Fish Antibiotics are for aquarium use only. Intended for ornamental fish and/or ornamental organisms, and not intended for use with fish that are intended for human consumption. For those allergic to Amoxicillin, separate capsule by holding each end above tank and tap out contents.

Ingredients : 200 mg Albendazole 

Storage :  Store at controlled room temperature of 59° - 86°F. (15°- 30°C).

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