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How to check worms in cat article

Signs of worms in cat



Your cats can get a variety of intestinal parasites, including "worms". Worms can cause a variety of symptoms. Cats maybe demonstrate few to no outward signs of infection, and the infestation can go undetected despite being a potentially serious health problem. Some feline parasitic worms are hazards for humane health as well.


Signs which your cats have worms


1. Changes of the cat's coat

  • A cat's fur is usually lustrous, but if your cat has worms, its coat might become dull or flat looking.

2. Look for cat's gums

  • The best gums usually has pink gums. the worse gums is pale or white gums which signs of anemic.
  • This signs can explain your cat have a parasite infection.

3. Check cat's feces

  • If the feces is dark, tarry stools may indicate blood loss from where hookworms attached themselves to the wall of the intestine.
  • Diarrhea can occur  because worms also take up space within the gut and interfere with digestion.
  • If  cat has diarrhea for more than 24 hours, or if you see fresh blood or dark tarry stools, seek veterinary help.

4. Check for vomiting 

  • If your cat vomit frequently, you should take her see the vet. Because it may be a sign of worms.
  • Worms can cause vomiting either by blocking the outflow to the stomach or by irritaing the stomach lining.

5. How much your cat eats

  • A high worm burden is usually associated with a loss of appetite.
  • This is due to a number of factors such as inflammation of the bowel lining, stomach ache, and the physical space the worms take up within the bowel.

6. Check for shape of cat's body

  • The cats have a lot of worms that have a change in her shape. Cats with a lot of worms may develop a potbelly, causing the abdominal area look swollen.

7. Signs of lethargy

  • The cat of kitten will feel lethargic if the worms are stealing nutrition direct from the bowel. 
  • Notice to any dramatic changes in your cat's energy level.


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