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Eye Problem in Pugs article

 Eye Problems in Pugs

          Pug is a little dog with a wrinkly, short-muzzled face, and curled tail. The breed has a fine, glossy coat that comes in a variety of colours, most often fawn or black, and a compact square body with well-developed muscles. The Pug's large eyes can develop problems such as Cataracts, Entropion, Cherry Eye, Dry Eye, Progressive Retinal Antrophy, etc.


Cataracts problem

  1. Watch for milky eyes : The lens of him might seem cloudy and bluish-gray. The cataract might look crackly or like a chip of ice.
  2. Notice behavior such as not recognizing people, misjudging distances, bumping into things
  3. Get your pug examined : Make an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as you notice the milky eyes. The vet can usually diagnose cataracts simply by looking at your dog's eyes and a veterinary surgeon can confirm the diagnosis.


  1. Check eyelids : Pug's eyelid is rolled up and inward, he probably has a condition called entropion. The eyelid rubs directly against your pug's eye and can scratch or irritate the cornea. If your Pug has had untreated entropion for a while, his eye might look milky or blue from scar tissue that develops over the eye.
  2. Look signs of irritation : You should notice his rubbing his eyes. Since eyelashes from the rolled out eyelid are rubbing against his cornea, his eyes may water a lot. Your dog might also blink a lot or try to hold her eyes closed.
  3. Get your pug examined : Make an appointment with the veterinarian as soon as you notice this symptom.

Cherry Eye

  1. Look for redness and swelling :  If a gland on the third eye pops forward, you'll notice that a large round mass swells to cover the inner part of the eye.
  2. Get your pug examined : If your dog seems to be bothered by it or if you aren't sure if he actually has cherry eye, you should get a veterinarian's diagnosis. Your dog may have a different eye condition if he seems to be in pain.

Progressive Retinal Antrophy (PRA)

  1. Monitor night vision : Notice your dog functions in night or low lighting. If you see his unsure of or bumping into his surroundings, he may be having trouble seeing in the dark. Night blindness is a sign of Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
  2. Look for changes in the eyes such as a abnormal pupil reactions or dilation.
  3. Get your pug examined : The vet will also examine the inside of your dog's eye using a slit lamp to check for any abnormalities with the retinas.
  4. Help your Pug cop with PRA : Because there no medication or surgeries for treat PRA. But you can slow down the loss of vision by improving your dog's diet (if the PRA was caused by a metabolic condition). You need to watch out for your pug to make sure he's safe from injury or attack and take him to the vet  for regular eye examinations.


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