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How to care for Zebra Danio article

 How to care for Zebra Danio



Zebra Danio (Scientific name: Danio rerio), which is the most popular freshwater fish and highly active swimmer, has beautiful color and stripes like zebra. The zebra danio is either silver or gold with five uniform blue or purple stripes that stretch horizontally from the gill to the end of the tail. They are very peaceful and beautiful fish. The zebra danio is an appropriate first fish for beginner fish keeper because of their tolerance of a wide range of water parameters.


The appropriate tank

   Tank size

  • Zebra Danios are schooling fish, so you should keep them in groups of at least 5. They love to swim, so you should keep them in a largest tank possible, at least a 10 gallon tank.


  • Add a layer of well-rinsed sand or gravel to the base of the dry tank. Add a few plants and ornaments. The decorations are necessary that the fish can hide.

       Tank equipment

  • Tank equipment such as a filter, light, air pump, thermometer which high standard supplies of tank. The proper temperatures around 70 –75ºF (21 - 24ºC), but you can adapt to a wide range.



  • Zebra danios will eat almost any foods that you feed them. You should feed small crustaceans, worms, insects, algae, high quality flakes, frozen foods, or live foods. Furthermore, the diet should closely as possible and high quality.



  • You should introduce zebra danios to the new tank slowly. Turn off the light and slowly introduce them to the new tank.
  • Zebra danios are very peaceful so you should add smaller fish to the tank. Avoid adding aggressive fish.
  • Feed in small amounts only because overfeeding is a cause of a fish’s stomach.


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